Sunday, May 25, 2008

Groovy Grins Infecting Your Mind

Exams are over baby!!!
*jumps around room frantically*
That was one annoying ass waste of time. Not saying that exams are annoying but, okay scratch that. They are UBER assy.
Though they were done for on Thursday, I only feel free today. After exam activities were just taken up by Interact project thingamajiggy. It was fun though. Was with Jan, Mon, Kai, MeiYen and Weena for 3 days straight. Was crazyy. In between researching Spain we watched The American Idol Finale! David Cook won. Okay didn't even have to say that, who DOESN'T know? I think I was temporarily deafened by Mon, Kai and Jan's screams! Gosh, insane. Lol. They weren't very happy with it. I was actually shocked too cause David A. seemed like he was the one to win. Oh well, I don't really mind either way. I love the COOK! =D And I'm not just saying that because his name has "cook", really. That would be pretty weird. There's actually another DC; Dane Cook. He's really funny. But I have to say, some of his movie choices are questionable. Good Luck Chuck was just a series of O.o moments.

MOVING ON, I'm pretty proud of our work (presentation on Spain) considering we did it within 2 days (for exact time, ask Mei. She was calculating it yesterday. Lol!) We also did a dance. Kai and Mei looked so awesome dancing the ballet-ish ballroom dancing thing to An Evening In Roma. That song is so happy!‼ Me and Jan came out dancing like spazzomaniacs to Dimelo (Spanish version of Enrique's Do You Know). I shall post a vid of the dance that inspired ours (more like a rip off but yeahh). It was pretty fun, even though it was only for 20 seconds Lol

We only ripped the parts leading up to the 25th second =P

So holidays are now! I've spent my day watching loads of OTH episodes and downloading a million songs. I've been so left out! Still running towards the music. I have 4 epis of Gossip Girl waiting for me =D. Exciting stuff!

Oh, I finally downloaded Kate Voegele's songs. Gosh her voice is so amazing! Found her on OTH. I'm really liking the video they made of the song Only Fooling Myself. It's pretty amusing actually.

I’m kinda scared the novelty of these holidays are gonna fade extremely fast. It’s always like that, for me that is. Before you know it, everyday feels like a repeat of yesterday. We’ll just be floating about, and when school starts we feel BLEH. So, we must be productive! I’ll get off my butt to do proper things, ie listening to songs? Okay. Lol that’s not a good start. Hmmm, I should be doing my French. I feel so behind during classes cause I skipped quite a few of em’. Had weddings to attend and exams to study for. *contemplates what to do* *puts finger on chin to look wise* Haha. That’ll just be retarded! Imagine everyone did that. During exams you look around at everyone with a finger on their chin thinking hard while stroking their imaginary beards. AHA! *takes a picture*

Okay, that’s about it I think. *looks around beach for things to talk about* Asif I’m on a beach!

This is it



Monica said...

carol! omg I suddenly feel so hyper and I feel like talking in one breathe you know how those people like can't stop talking and they talk all in one breathe and like really fast? yeah that's how i feel like talking right now thats why my msgs like so long and i'm like actually talking like this in my mind i realized i just said the word 'like' many time but whatever so my point is since i'm actually talking like this in my mind well i'm not actually talking in my mind cause that would be crazy! but yeah i digress (again) so the point is i'm a little exhausted actually like mentally and i couldn't stop blabbing in my mind while i was eating and i had to write it down before i forget so i stopped eating and came to the computer which is were i am now well obviously la kan but yeah.

you're watching smallville now! whoa i'm psychic. o_O'
i wanted to say 'go (insert actor who plays clark kent's name here)' omg i just remembered! tom welling! yeah i wanted to say 'go tom!' but it slipped my mind so i put 'go clark!' instead. yeah you really wanted to know that.

DAVID COOK! finale! omg the screaming and the laughing and the tearing and the eating halfway through and the... something something. :D it was loads of fun!!!! :D :D :D

carol you have to help me i can't stop talking/thinking/typibng like this. i'm scared :S

anyway! :D yeah my initial reason: your title! groovy grins! my title is groovy baby! groovy! omg. ~cosmic~ i realize many people reading this right now may find that very lame (shuddup whoever you are) but what do I care now? well, i might not care NOW, cause my mind is like on super speed or something leaving me no time to worry about that but i'm very sure when I've calmed myself down one way or another i will worry a bit about that.

i...will STOP now. and go eat. i'm still hungry. and thirsty. omg i should stop!

bye! :D

Anonymous said...

Mon...-.- Im loling when im reading that! so full of rubbish! x) oh well, shenton doing what she does best :P :P

Anonymous said...

.. LOL. ... ... I'm still laughing from that effin' ridiculous dance video and LAUGHING EVEN MORE imagining YOU, AND MON (Laughs for eternity sat) ... dancing... like.. LOLOOOLLLLOOOLL..


yeah, I can't go on. it's just too much.

no.. actually

i'm still laughing!

oh my effin' lord...



.. ok done.
