Monday, March 10, 2008

COSMIC --An Ode to Homer Simpson--

9th March

Currently: sitting at the dining room table drinking chrysanthemum tea while listening to songs. =]

We just finished our ASS mid term exams on Friday. We might as well have em twice a year (was gonna say never but let’s not push it!). C’mon teachers! I know you’re out there… reading my blog? Woah, bad thoughts right? Teacher’s are almost a whole other species if organism don’t you think? Even if we suddenly see them walking around in the malls, we’re all “Omg, What in the name of *insert name of choice* is she doing here??”, as if they are supposed to stay at home to plan their next way to make our lives more awkward and miserable. Yeah, I know, such an understatement!

Moving on, yesterday was pretty awesome. Mon came over so we could go Relay For Life together later. We were in the room singing “Vampire” with our superior singing skills (so skilled that David Archuleta is so amazed. Lollage!) All the songs from Juno are great. It’s sorta unconventional lyrics-wise but that’s the best part. Anyways, we went down to watch American Gangster with me mum and bro. That show had a good story but it was seriously dragged out (3 hours!) beyond belief. Seriously, you can practically see the shreds of that movie all over the road due to over-dragging, flying away into the black abyss of depression. Well maybe that’s exaggerating it a tad (why not john or ben eyh? “Stop asking stupid questions carol!” *whimpers and goes walking into the sunset hoping to find john or ben*) bit. When the oh-so-scrumptious pizza came, Mon took a piece and put a lil’ chocette on it. I was giving her such a ‘are you insane’ look and she just looked at me all innocently trying to convince me that it’s yummeh. It actually has an…interesting taste I think. Sorta weird. Half way through the movie, everything got so dark and rain was pouring down like CRAZILY. I think even cats and dogs can’t compete with those… zebras? Lol. Was kinda worried about how we’re gonna go to Relay like that but Jan texted “I don’t care about weather! It’s for charity man!”. Motivational huh?

At 6 ish, we got there and I was wearing purple sweat pants. Guess what? The shirt was PURPLE! I was gonna look like a big aubergine with legs 0.o. When we got changed we went to stand by the barrier surrounding the whole “relaying” area. The cheerleaders were supposed to perform in the middle and it was already drizzling a wee bit. Malaysians (the VIP) being their late-self caused a hold up and was giving some boring (I didn’t actually listen) speech while we stood in the rain. To entertain ourselves, Mon, Sarah and I started breathing in helium from the balloons. We sounded so squeakily annoying. Lol. After their performance they let everyone start relaying (supposed to walk round and round from 6pm-10am). We only did it for 3. Me and Sarah walked together most of the time and she actually told me about a whole movie, Death at A Funeral. I wanna watch it! British humorous movie, man. What’s not to like? Oh yeah, we had a break in between to go and grab some food. They had a lot of stuff! I bought cinnamon and banana rolls (only cause the woman seemed so nice and spazzy, just the way we like. Lol) which were super yum! Got this tomyam fried rice too. Good stuff baby! Continued walking and went home at around 1030. My shoes and the lower part of me pants were totally muddified!!! My fam were just so intent on seeing the results for the election online. “hi, mum!” * she stares at screen* “Muuummmm…?” *finally looks at me…”hmm?” goes back to staring at screen*. Feeling the love! Lol. It was pretty funny actually. Hokay, that was the end of my exciting day =D.


Monica said...


you just scolded me for writing this comment now :'(
What do you call a m\smiley that's sad?
-kiss me playing in the background by some loser guitar-player (not that the guitar-playing skills are lame [the skills are AWESOME, its just that the person her/himself is lame)who's probably gonna kill me after reading this :D-

I'm thirsty.

I need... water?

you probably don't have to know what I thought about your blog of COSMIC PROPORTIONS because you already saw me bored, I mean laughing to tears.


I'm gonna go steal your guitar now, and force you to teach me some awesomuss song. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

What are those line ups of other-worldy alphabets?????


By the way, a sad smiley is a sadey. write that down.


you made me forget something.

oh yeah.


HUGS..! *hugs the computer screen*

sarah said...

i tell you ah this monica!
heheh. kidding!!

carol!! the walking advert for relay for life!
the only thing you need is purple lipstick and purple streaks in da hair!
Death at a funeral ROCKS!

kesian uncle alfie kena tinggal in the bathroom alone.

