Well trials are officially over! Not that there was an announcement made for everybody to know, but there should be eh? Some (most) people just started their trials which is awesome! I have no idea how is it awesome though O.o
Hmm, giving that very last paper to the teacher made me grin =D like an idiot, then I realised and tried acting all cooool. Maybe that didn't happen.
*walks around with my cool vibe going on*
YeahYeah, being lame is easier. Less stress, no?
=) =) =) =)
Sho, I celebrated when I got home!
*brings out champagne*
I think I'd just pour it into those long, slim glasses and then. THE END
Was that totally pointless or what?
It's a change from all that USEFUL studying
Me and Mon relaaxxed. Well, we actually watched From Hell, a movie with Johnny Depp =]
It was pretty creepy. It's about Jack the Ripper, except in this story they DO find out and catch the dude.
After that we just hung about online checking out songs and trying to learn some. I shall (one day) fulfill a request made by Mon to learn HeyHey by Eric Clapton. I’m not sure if she requested… oh well. I want to. Then she was wrapping presents cuz my mum came home with no time to do it. Mon was being all creative and put some little pleat thing. Okay maybe pleat isn’t the word. T’was just this folded…okay. I shall not explain it. Lol, as if my brain is THAT dead.
*someone whispers from unknown location: yeeeaasssss*
MOVING ON! Then we went to make dinner! Actually that was the whole point of Mon coming. I wanted her to try this Risotto I made.
After dinner plan was to watch The Nanny Diaries. We LOVE that movie so much! It’s so awesome and creative how they did it. That’s what I think anyway.
Hmmmmm, it was a fun day. Now the weekend is here! Had my first sleep-in after so long waking up early in the morning to study =/. I think I owe my body 20 hours of sleep! But, I’m thinking it’s totally forgotten about it, if that’s possible. Lol.
But I know the fun can’t last that long. Have to hit the books once again, but it won’t be as intense. I think it won’t be that bad. I mean, if I’m not revising I’m just wasting the day away with so many unproductive things =P.
I just realized I haven’t been to the movies in ageeesssss. I’m so left behind with all the new releases, but is there really anything worth getting excited about?
*flips to cinema section of the papers happily*
Wow, okay there really ISN’T anything. Like I so want to watch You Don’t Mess With The Zohan huh. Seriously? I can’t believe that is even a movie. What a waste! It’s total retardation to the 10th degree! Maybe 11th? Lol
I know what I’m behind on; All the shows that I download. I can’t get them though cuz my computer has gone bust. All my music is in there and I can only listen by going on youtube which is uber irritating! Hopefully it gets repaired soon and I shall be one with all my … programs? Hokaayyy.
Well, I’m off. I think I’ve completed my dose of rambling.
*goes rock-climbing*