So! The last time I left off, I was still in Penang :O
Well, on Friday I went back and got to Sentral at around 1 ish where I met Shera. She wanted to go back to my place straight away because I got her presents and didn't wanna dump everything out of my suitcase just to look for it. Though, she actually thought doing that would be totally fine -.- Anyways, she had to deal with my wonky rollerbag that kept veering off and flipping around like some FISH. Seriously it's THAT retarded. After the KTM and taxi rides, we finally got to me humble abode...not. My housemate left a long letter about...random things. She concluded it with something like "The dustbin was taken over by maggots so I threw it away" How hilarious is that??! Ok, it's pretty creepy, but still a good laugh, eh? LOL.
After like SO MUCH pestering I gave Shera the prezzies from Mon and me (A recipe book just for spaghetti which looks really coolioz, hugeASS poster of Hayley Williams and drawings of us by MonMon). She was screaming insanely! Which was awesome but not so awesome for my ears =P
We were supposed to go out for lunch but we watched vids on youtube and looking at pictures of hot models ie. Eddie Klint =D
Anyways! We went to Sunway at like 430 for lunch. WAS STARVING and we went to Gasoline which is such a cute place! Tho, I heard from MonMon that the one in Penang sucksASS. Oh wellz! Then we walked around and lastly got me groceries before heading back.
Next day I went to Shera's and cooked lunch! Well, she cooked it cuz she wanted to learn the recipe and it was YUMMY. At around 3 i had to head back to my coll to catch the KTM to Sentral and then LRT to Kelana Jaya and then taxi to The Curve. LONG JOURNEY, i know. I was supposed to take this free shuttle from the station to Ikea. But after standing around for ages (10 minutes =P), I asked this girl and apparently it comes every hour -.- So we decided to take a taxi together. She was really friendly and we were just talking bout random stuff. Didn't catch her name tho. Lol. She insisted on paying for the taxi saying "Students have to save money!" Yeah, it was just 3 bucks for my share. Funny!
i met Fara at O Brien's for a sec cuz she works there. WOMAN IN BLACK! lol. Then I went to Borders and met Yna and Naza. Was just talkng to yna for a bit then we went to get me a coffee! I felt a headache coming on cuz i hadn't gotten my dose of caffiene for the day. then we caught a cab back to Yna's area to grab some dinner. I was supposed to sleepover at her place and wake up EARLY in the morning to catch the bus from Sentral to KLIA. But, somehow, we decided to just get there at night. So, we reached the airport at like midnight!
We sat in the departure lounge area where we could see airplanes landing/taking off. After a while (just as i lied down on the chairs so catch some sleep, they came in and said they were closing the place. WTF. So we walked to some other place where they had those chairs. I REALLY tried to sleep but by 3 I woke up with a MAJOR headache. I think I was sleeping in the wrong position or something. Well, I had to walk (like some zombie) to the 24 hour Airport shop or wtv to get some panadol. I downed it with some water and I felt completely disgusting. I wanted to lie down but my stomach was just too bloated or something I'm not sure. So I had to let it digest for like an hour before being able to sleep again till 6 when yna woke me up. I was thinking AHHHHH! Jan's coming in like an hour =D =D We met with Jan's cousin, Syahmi who's pretty entertaining. Lol. We waited at the arrival hall for an hour and a half before Jan finally came out! apparently her and a few others' suitcases got lost in Indonesia so they had to wait for it. LOL. Not fun huh?
I was practically jumping up and down and waving at her! I went and gave her the tightest hug. I'd missed her so much! We took a few pictures and talked a bit and she had to go with her group back to the hotel =[ Such a short while! Crazy. But, I was gonna see her again the next day before she left for Penang.

We headed back to Sentral and had breakfast before I went back home. I was COMPLETELY exhausted and took a nap till 3 ish and cleaned my room. All dusteh and blehhhh! After dinner and eventually unpacking me bag, I crashed. Had coll the next day and it was pretty much NOTHING. Lol. The lecturer was just briefing us on things to come and yeah. So I went to Sunway with Fara and Alif. Just wasted time a bit cuz I was supposed to meet Jan and all at the hotel at 3 anyways. But I found out that Jan had a really bad fever and was taken to the hospital where they diagnosed her with h1n1. =[ Was pretty scary. But she's alright now =D
On tuesday, I found out that I had to be quarantined till Monday which is uberly sucky! The health ppl came (three guys in masks) and it was just a weird situation. Lol. They gave me forms and random flu-related trinkets ie. gloves, masks, thermometer and blabla. I know, jealousy-inducing innit? Lol.
I felt like I was in JAIL! Exaggeration but still! What the hell was I supposed to do?
The sum of activities for the past four days
Cook, eat, watch 3 seasons of South Of Nowhere, go on Facebook, listen to music, dance around in the room, walk around the apartment, read, sleep and shower. Sometimes I would have sucha short attention span that I would sit and watch for ten minutes, go and read for 10 minutes and then listen to music for 10 minutes and it's just EVERYWHERE! lol. Such is life huh. Oh yeah, I forgot; taking my tempertaure twice a day and recording it in some paper. Pfffft. So far I've stayed at 36.9 degrees. It's SO exciting! I look forward to it everyday. HIGHLIGHT OF MY FRICKIN DAY. *gets slapped by imaginary hand* =[
So yeah, today I was talking to Jan and she was telling me that she's off quarantine. I WAS LIKE ZOMGWTFBBQ! So I called the health officer dude and he said all new cases of the flu don't have to be quarantined so I asked him I'm off then? E said No. Like wtf? According to their "policy" I still have to be which is bloody screwed up. So I pleaded with him for a while so that I could go back to coll on Monday and he gave in. MUAHAHAHAHA!
But, I'm still stuck here for the weekend though. GRR
So, that's about it for now. I have NO clue what I'm gonna do for the next... 36 hours. O.o
*hits head on wall*